Wisdom Rising is calling!

 It’s taken a while but I’ve become the person I would have felt safe with as a child.

Yet every now and again I feel as though I am losing my magic. That thought is just a thought and it usually means I need some time to restore. When my own cup is full I trust that my brilliance is here, ready and waiting like a sleeping tiger. Ready to walk quietly through the grass, pads kissing the earth, spine swaying, long tail perfectly in balance with the earth, the sounds of cicadas, the rhythms, bird song in the trees, grasslands lead to a river. Walking into the river, swimming, my head bobbing as I move diagonally against the pull of current to the other shore. I walk upon the shoreline dripping into sand, black stripes shining in the sun, onward to what’s to come.

A tiger trusts itself.

Trusting yourself is essential to these times. I get overwhelmed if I look at too many stories on Instagram or Facebook. Even if they are positive, I can feel my nervous system going into overdrive. How can you keep up with so many people? The birthdays on social media are another thing- both wonderful and exhausting.

What about you- what fills you up? Are you ready to join me in person for a retreat this spring, as the earth wakes up? Consider this your invitation to Wisdom Rising- a Thursday afternoon to Sunday lunch retreat June 1- 4th.

Who is this for? It’s for you- amazing one- deep thinker who is ready to restore, allow yourself to be loved more, drink in fresh mountain air, practice morning yoga & meditation, pause to look at your life, your patterns, eat nourishing food, shake things up a bit and be held by an amazing group of women. Think of this retreat as a time to pull back the bow as we prepare to energize your life to shoot the arrow forward.

Registration is now open! As a special gift to you, my sweet ones, when you sign up you get $50 off if you use the code Breathe. It’s good until March 15th. Go to https://elohee.org/retreat/3621/wisdom-rising/ for more.

Sending love to you and yours.
