Activate Hygge Mode

Activate Hygge Mode


Hygge. Hoo-gah. It sounds like a chant the Marines do- hoo-gah, hoo-gah, hoo-gah! But it’s not that at all. There is no direct translation of the Danish word hygge into English but it means ‘to comfort,’ the pleasures of being home that bring a sense of wellbeing. To do that you’ve got to slow down. That’s exactly what is needed for December. Back when I worked in newsrooms I took off the entire month of December a few times. Saved up enough money for my mortgage and expenses and created a sense of hygge without knowing the word. I bought raw silk and flaxseeds and hand sewed eye pillows as gifts for the teachers at my son’s school. The teachers were so stressed. My son and I walked into the woods, winding a path of crunchy oak leaves toward the creek. Marsh grass still green, a few wood ducks paddling about. My son in his blue plaid shirt threw rocks into the creek over and over, delighting with the splashes and getting muddy.

December is made for slowing down. Taking the time to collect, to remember, to nourish.

Yesterday at lunch a familiar waitress came to my table beaming “are you ready for Christmas?!” as Bruce Springstein’s “Santa Claus is coming to town” played in the background. She seemed so happy. My overthinking brain kicks in- why is she so happy- is it fake- is she brainwashed? Then I’m left with why am I so not happy?

My husband said “let’s just get ONE gift for Christmas this year. That way no one gets something they didn’t want.”

“OK” I said. Happy to not stress about gifts, (which I always do) It felt like a relief. But with a grain of petulance- why didn’t I think of this?

Music and walks in nature have always been my places where I can be in the December transcendence.

When I do slow down in December I am able to see the light behind the scrambling and frantic pace of society.

Start with the breath. Inhale deeply- feeling the lungs expand, lightly hold the breath and exhale long. Just like that.

Nothing else is required.